Bonnie Euro 3, what will happen ?
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I wonder about my Triumph, what will happen to it? Euro standards are at version 5 for motor vehicles and many urban areas have now declared that they will control access. Think of Milan and its Area B which covers the city area till periphery.
Are there any retrofits coming up or should I throw my Bonnie away in a few years?
Everyone who rides a motorcycle loves his vehicle. The Mbike is something that one has in own soul. When I see some madmen darting on the highway with temperatures close to zero, I know that no cold, wind or heavy rain will ever stop those of us who choose to use the Mbike to go to work, to the dentist or on vacation.
Currently in many European countries there are historical records that contain motor vehicles that are over a certain number of years old, at least 30 or even 40 in England. Although with a limited mileage, on average 3,000 km per year, they can still circulate.
But if one has had a motorcycle for 13 years, some that he keeps like a child and year after year he has customized with a thousand small changes. What should he does?
I do between 2,000 and 3,000 kilometers per year mainly of commuting from Switzerland to Italy. I use the bike mainly 9 months a year, concentrating 70% of this route in the warm months. Do we have to accept that soon we will no longer be able to use it in urban areas?
I therefore ask myself a question .. but are the retrofits? There will be ? Does it make sense to imagine being able to change an exhaust and homologate the vehicle again in a higher class?
I asked Dr. Google but I found no trace of kits to raise the homologation to 4 or 5 Euro version … Too many changes? Technically impossible?
A doubt touches my mind too much money at stake and planned obsolescence for the builders? I don’t wish we had to support #RightToRepair here too? And European Community so sensitive to recycling, to a new green vision, would it will permit to make us throw our Mbike away?
Let’s think about it, I hold on to my faithful Bonnie and I will not give up.
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